The Moldovan Non-Profit Sector in Perspective
Am traveling to Belgrade, Serbia this week on a project that aims to develop a tool for assessing institutional and organizational capacities of non-profit organizations - or the non-governmental organizations - in the Western Balkans region. After first testing this tool among Serbian non-profits, the Serbian counterpart, ProConcept selected Moldova to test, and adjust this tool called INGOC . My first impression is that the Serbian non-profit sector is quite developed, having a strong influence on policy making and being an important counterpart in social service provision, despite significant distrust and negative image among the government institutions and people - an unfortunate consequence of the recent political history.
Belgrade is a nice and very green city. The landscape highlight is the meeting of two rivers - the Danube and Sava, which is best admired from the medieval fortress of Beograde. Here are my favorite pictures.
Lucia, I would love to hear what you thought about the tool and the extent to which you think it would be applicable to Moldova. I took a look through the INGOC website, but I still have a hard time understanding what this measurement for capability is all about. I hope it is not one of those lovely initiatives that take a lot of time and generate little results.
The tool is at its initial stage of development. There is a classification of NGOs (that helps NGOs to formulate in regionally-accepted terminology what they are and do) and an index of NGOs (that groups NGSs into various functional categories primarily for use of donors).
At this point, the idea looks good, but I think it requires some more extensive research, which should inform the decision regarding its implementation. Drawing from the American experience, I see it as task for a group of academics - professors/researchers in the area of non-profit management. An university is a suitable medium for conducting scientifically-sound research based on modern methodology to produce a valid product that would be eventually used by the main beneficiaries - the NGOs and non-profits in Moldova and Serbia.
It might be a successful initiative, but there is always a chance that it might fail - like so many other things in Moldova. At this point, however, this initiative deserves support.
Here's an article about you :-)
В Министерстве просвещения говорят, что молдавские выпускники, пройдя за границей магистратуру или обзаведясь докторской степенью, редко возвращаются назад. Чтобы как-то приостановить миграцию, Правительство Франции, например, предлагает для наших соотечественников стипендии только по тем специальностям, в которых нуждается именно Молдова. Лучия Канду училась в Нью-Йорке. Некоторое время после этого проработала в правительстве. Но потом ушла оттуда и устроилась в международную организацию. Говорит, что главной причиной увольнения стала не низкая зарплата, а то, что в госучреждениях очень трудно продвигаться по служебной лестнице.
- Я проработала там год, и меня не устраивала рабочая обстановка и то, как решались важные вопросы. И я сказала себе, что могу заняться чем - то более полезным, - говорит выпускница института публичной администрации, Нью-Йорк, США Лучия Канду. Наталия Катринеску - выпускница Гарварда, и занимает достаточно высокую должность в правительстве. Считает себя патриоткой и говорит, что предпочла остаться в Молдове, чтобы в меру сил способствовать развитию родной страны.
Way to go Lucia! I am sure we will hear many more great things from and about you!
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